Extron Electronics IPCP 505 User Guide User Manual

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IPCP 505 • Contents




Configuration and Control

......................... 18

Configuration and Control: an Overview ............ 18
Basic Setup Steps: a Guide to this Section and

Other Resources ............................................. 19

Communicating with the IPCP .......................... 19
Configuring the IPCP for Network

Communication ............................................... 19

Configuring the IPCP for Network Use

Via Global Configurator ................................ 20

Configuring the IPCP for Network Use

Via the ARP Command ................................ 20

Configuring the IPCP for Network Use

Via a Web Browser ...................................... 22

Configuring the IPCP for Network Use

Via SIS Commands and Telnet ..................... 23

Setting up the PC for IP Communication

With an IPCP 505 ........................................ 23

Global Configurator Software for Windows


..... 27

Downloading the Software and

Getting Started ............................................ 27

PC System Requirements ............................. 27
Using Global Configurator: Helpful Tips......... 28

Advanced Configuration ................................... 29

IR Learning to Create Customized

IR Driver Files ............................................... 29

Printing a Wiring Block Diagram or a GUI

Configuration Report ................................... 30

Updating Firmware ....................................... 30
Advanced Serial Port Control ........................ 31
Saving and Uploading the Configuration ....... 36

Controlling an IPCP 505 ................................... 36

Embedded Web Pages ................................. 36
GlobalViewer Web Pages ............................. 44

Controlling the IPCP 505 with a Touchpanel ..... 47
Customizing the IPCP Control Web Pages ....... 48
Troubleshooting ................................................ 49

Power Connections ...................................... 49
Data Connections ......................................... 49
Device Control Connections and

Configuration ............................................... 49


................................................... 1

Before You Begin ................................................ 1
About the IPCP 505 ........................................... 1

Features ......................................................... 1
Controlling Other Devices ............................... 2

Application Diagrams .......................................... 3
IR and RS-232 Device Control ............................ 4
How the IPCP 505 Works: Components and

Interactions ........................................................ 5

Creating a Control System Using the IPCP with

Optional Extron TouchLink Touchpanels............. 5

System Requirements ........................................ 6

Hardware Requirements ................................. 6
Software Requirements .................................. 6

Hardware Features and Installation

........... 7

Setup Checklist:

How to Proceed With Installation ....................... 7

Prepare ........................................................... 7
Perform Physical Installation ........................... 7
Configure the IPCP ......................................... 7

Front Panel Features ........................................... 9

IR Learning Sensor ......................................... 9
Reset Features ............................................... 9

Mounting the IPCP 505 .................................... 10

UL Rack Mounting Guidelines ....................... 10

Rear Panel Features and Connections .............. 11

Power Connections ...................................... 11
Bidirectional Control and Communication

Connections and Features ........................... 12

Unidirectional Control and Communication

Connections ................................................ 14

Additional Control Ports ................................ 15

Resetting the Unit ............................................ 16