Ethernet – YSI 5500D-1 User Manual
Page 47
YSI 5X00
YSI 5X00
messages. Verify with the service provider and/or network administrator to confirm
that the 5X00 communication configuration ensures the most reliable delivery of
alarm emails.
Below is a 5X00 DO Alarm Low email sent from a serial to ethernet device. As
shown in the example, all of the alarm information is listed in the subject line. The
user-configured device name is ‘YSI Environmental’. The DO system does not have
a user-configured name; therefore, the default system name, ‘DO - 3’, is included
in the subject line.
From: [email protected]
Sent: Mon, May 11, 2010 10:24 am
Subject: 05/11/2010 10:23:29 AM YSI Environmental DO - 3 Alarm Low 77%Sat
Notes 5X00 alarm emails:
- 5X00 emails contain date, time, device name, system name, alarm condition,
and the sensor reading in the Subject line of the email. When instrument and
sensor names are not user configured, the email includes the serial number
and default system name, i.e. “DO - 3”.
- On a network, user configured instrument and sensor system names appear in
the alarm emails for the master only. Slave alarm emails will report the 5X00
slave serial number and the default system names regardless if the names are
user configured.
- Aux digital closed alarm is reported as 0.00; aux digital open alarm is reported
as 1.00.
- Aux analog alarm emails are reported in 0.00 resolution regardless of the
display format resolution.
- See General Alarm- page “General Alarm” on page 124 and Set Points - page
page 139 for important alarm configuration information.
- Emails are retransmitted based on the Email Retry Delay configuration - page
- Separate emails are sent for each alarm condition.
- 5X00 DO email alarms provide the %Sat value and do not provide mg/L value.
- 5X00 emails that say “Alarm Both” mean that both a high and low alarm
condition have existed and the alarm has not been cleared by pressing a front
panel key.
- 5X00 alarm emails are not transmitted during a service hold.
- 5X00 slave emails are sent to the configured email addresses in the master.
- At power up, the serial to ethernet device may take up to 2 minutes to initialize
before sending alarm emails (if alarm condition exists).
Configuring the 5X00
- On a network, multiple alarm conditions may exist but only one alarm email
is sent. Master alarm emails have priority over slave alarms. When multiple
slave alarm conditions exist, it’s possible that only one of many 5X00 slave
alarms will be sent. Therefore, it is critical that all alarm emails are addressed
locally by the user.
Below is an example of a 5X00 DO Alarm Low email sent from AquaManager. All
of the information is in the body of the email and not the subject line.
YSI5X00 Alarm
ysi environmental (node name in tree)
DO2 Low Alarm: 77
Notes AquaManager alarm emails:
- AquaManager emails are retransmitted based on the Email Retry Delay con-
figuration - page 102.
- Multiple system alarms are included in one AquaManager email.
- AquaManager DO email alarms provide the %Sat value and not the mg/L
- For the AquaManager alarm email to function properly, it may be necessary
to send a test email to each email address configured in the Email Alarm List
in the Node Properties window. Test emails can be sent in the AquaManager
Properties window under the Autopoller tab.
Menus → System → Communications → Ethernet
The serial to ethernet device speed and format are self configured at power up (TCP/
IP connections). If the serial to ethernet device is not installed or is not installed
properly, the ethernet menu will display (Not Available).
- 5X00 email alarming from ethernet module requires access to an SMTP server
accessible by the local network.
- Do not reconfigure internal serial to ethernet device settings.
Configuring the 5X00