Introduction, Gps 4848/100, Overview – GE Industrial Solutions GPS 4848_100 Users Guide (dual rectifier shelf) User Manual

Page 17: Related documentation, 1 introduction, Overview 1-1 related documentation, 1introduction

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Galaxy Power System 4848/100 with Dual Rectifier Shelf

Issue 5 September 2011

Introduction 1 - 1



GPS 4848/100


The Galaxy Power System (GPS) 4848/100 provides -48 volt
telecommunications powering solutions in worldwide markets. The
GPS 4848/100 combines 220 and 200-ampere, fan-cooled, switchmode
rectifiers, microprocessor control technologies, battery and load
disconnect/reconnect options, and a comprehensive line of fuse and
circuit breaker dc distribution options in a modular front-access design.
This modularity ensures easy access, simplified installation and
maintenance, and allows the system to expand in capacity and features
as power needs grow.

With 14,080-ampere maximum capacity, distribution flexibility, and
universal ac input capability, the GPS 4848/100 supports switching,
transmission, and wireless applications in central office locations and
environmentally controlled remote sites (huts or vaults). For centralized
architecture, bus bars are available to 14,080A.


This document includes information for 595LT series S2:0 and later
rectifiers. Refer to User’s Guide Issue 3 for 595LT Series Rectifiers
prior to S2:0. For information about 595A and 595B series rectifiers see
the GPS 4848/100 User’s Guide.

595A and 595B series rectifiers (full width, one per shelf) are fully
supported by GPS 4848/100 with Dual Rectifier Shelves.




Ordering Guide


Manufacturing Drawings

ED83142-30 (AC)
ED83143-31 (DC)
J85582C-1 (System)

Wiring Diagram


User’s Guide
