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3.8.2 Color
Between the maximum and minimum luminous flux of the lamp the
color temperature of the lamp changes – in a DULUX L this is approx.
150 Kelvin. Due to the great difference in luminance density, the color
difference appears to be visually considerably greater. As a result, the
subjective perception of the human eye does not reflect the objective
color temperature change. Directly after changeover from maximum
to minimum luminous flux, a temporary color displacement of up to
400 Kelvin occurs (displacement to the red end that decreases after
approx. 30-40 minutes to the color difference mentioned above (sta-
bilization phase)).
40: Color-phase diagram acc. to DIN 5033
Measurement of the most similar color temperature with greatly
dimmed lamps places the highest demands on the electronics and
receiver of the color measuring device. Incorrect valuations cannot be
excluded with conventional color measuring devices.
3.8.3 Outdoor
For applications out of doors a special OSRAM housing, the
“OUTKIT”, is available for protecting the ECG against humidity. It is
available for ECGs with a headroom of 30 mm or even 21 mm, in the
lengths of 360 mm and 423 mm. Details of this can be found in the
current light program. For outdoor applications the temperature range
of the system lamp-ECG should be examined in detail. In all outdoor
applications attention must be paid to sufficient mains quality (above
all, lightning protection) so that the ECGs are not damaged.