Appendix – Ocean Optics ElliCalc User Manual
Page 59

Ocean Optics Germany GmbH Thin Film Metrology
This Appendix helps you step by step to get a first measurement. This description is using the
reference stepwafer from OceanOptics, SiO2-Steps on Si-Wafer.
Install the ElliCalc software and AD-Converter (see Appendix A)
Start the computer, the power supply for the motors (black box) and the ellipsometer itself
(front side)
Plug-In the USB-Cable (or blue AD-Cable), then install the fibercable between the
spectrometer and the lightsource.
Put the sample (step-wafer ?) on the chuck
Start the ElliCalc software (WITH a reflecting sample on the chuck !!)
Load a SCOUT layer recipe that is good for your sample (files\load layer recipe)
Click "init" and wait until this operation is finished (about 15 seconds)
Maximize signal intensity (continuous button) by adjusting stage height
Eventually re-adjust intensity by pressing “auto intensity”
Click "measure"
During the measurement (some seconds) you see the measured raw data and finally the
Psi/Delta spectrum
Maximize signal intensity (continuous button) by adjusting stage height
Eventually re-adjust intensity by pressing “auto intensity”
Click "measure"
A result is displayed in the upper right half of the screen
Now you are ready !!!