Ocean Optics ElliCalc User Manual
Page 29

Ocean Optics Germany GmbH Thin Film Metrology
Ocean Optics can deliver an xy-stage for 8'' (=300mm).
a. serial port:
The port is used for communication with the mapping-stage. Ask your
hardware supplier for details..
To drive the mapping-stage you need one COM-port for xy-stages (or
a USB port and a converter).
b. wait interval:
After each measurement the scanning may be interrupted for a
certain interval of time
c. single step:
If you activate this option each single measurement is waiting for a
trigger signal (a keystroke with ENTER key or an external TTL trigger
signal which is applied to the spectrometer. Ask your hardware
Data extract:
a. plot during map
With this option you choose the layer you want to "extract" = to
You cannot choose more than one parameter as only one
parameter can be displayed at a time. If you use ElliCalc_10nk you
up to 10 layers (but display ONE of these)
b. analyzing options
Analyze parameters on each left mouse click. This is a very useful
feature to make a quick check on film parameter distributions on
your wafer (do not forget to activate option "plot value during
Fitness limit: if your results are completely wrong for some
reasons, all measured values with a fitness greater than this fitness
limit here will be set to zero. This feature is useful, if dust causes a
measurement error during mapping. Without this feature you might
get enormous spikes.
c. visible during map
You have the choice between 1D-plots for line scans, 2D-plots
and/or 3D-plots.
The 2D-plot and the 3D-plot contain the same data.
A 1D-plot is possible only if you measure along ONE row or
column (and not a two-dimensional field.)
d. number of runs
You have the choice between a single run (for real measurement
purposes) and a nearly infinite number of runs (=30000) for
demonstration purposes.