ZyXEL Communications 650 Series User Manual
Page 316

Prestige 650 Series User’s Guide
Figure 29-1 Menu 11.1 Remote Node Profile
Step 2. Move the cursor to the Edit IP/Bridge field, then press [SPACE BAR] to set the value to Yes
and press [ENTER] to edit Menu 11.3 – Remote Node Network Layer Options.
Figure 29-2 Menu 11.3 Remote Node Network Layer Options
Menu 11.3 - Remote Node Network Layer Options
IP Options: Bridge Options:
IP Address Assignment= Static
Ethernet Addr Timeout (min)= 0
Rem IP Addr:
Rem Subnet Mask=
My WAN Addr=
NAT= Full Feature
Address Mapping Set=2
Metric= 2
Private= No
RIP Direction= Both
Version= RIP-2B
Multicast= IGMP-v2
IP Policies=
Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel:
Menu 11.1 - Remote Node Profile
Rem Node Name= ? Route= IP
Active= Yes
Bridge= Yes
Encapsulation= ENET ENCAP
Edit IP/Bridge= Yes
Multiplexing= VC-based Edit ATM Options= No
Service Name= N/A
Incoming: Telco Option:
Rem Login= N/A Allocated Budget(min)= N/A
Rem Password= N/A Period(hr)= N/A
Outgoing: Schedule Sets= N/A
My Login= N/A Nailed-Up Connection= N/A
My Password= N/A Session Options:
Authen= N/A Edit Filter Sets= No
Idle Timeout(sec)= N/A
Edit Traffic Redirect= No
Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel: