ZyXEL Communications 650 Series User Manual
Page 283

Prestige 650 Series User’s Guide
Wireless LAN Setup
Table 25-1 Wireless LAN Setup Field Description
WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) provides data encryption to prevent
wireless stations from accessing data transmitted over the wireless network.
Select Disable allows wireless stations to communicate with the access
points without any data encryption.
Select 64-bit WEP or 128-bit WEP to for the type of data encryption. WEP
causes performance degradation.
Default Key Enter the number of the key as an active key.
Key 1 to Key
If you chose 64-bit WEP in the WEP Encryption field, then enter 5
characters or 10 hexadecimal digits ("0-9", "A-F") preceded by 0x for each
key (1-4).
If you chose 128-bit WEP in the WEP Encryption field, then enter 13
characters or 26 hexadecimal digits ("0-9", "A-F") preceded by 0x for each
key (1-4).
There are four data encryption keys to secure your data from eavesdropping
by unauthorized wireless users. The values for the keys must be set up
exactly the same on the access points as they are on the wireless station
Edit MAC
To edit MAC address filtering table, press [SPACE BAR] to select Yes and
press [ENTER] to open menu 3.5.1.
When you have completed this menu, press [ENTER] at the prompt “Press ENTER to confirm or ESC to
cancel” to save your configuration or press [ESC] to cancel and go back to the previous screen.
25.3.1 Wireless LAN MAC Address Filter
The next layer of security is MAC address filter. To allow a wireless station to associate with the Prestige,
enter the MAC address of the wireless LAN card on that wireless station in the MAC address table.