Erase a phonebook entry, Place a call, Verizon one user guide – Verizon One User Manual

Page 55: Using the handset phonebook menu

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© 2006 Verizon

Verizon One

User Guide


14.4 Erase a Phonebook Entry

To erase a Name and Number from the

Phonebook, choose the desired Name

or Number and select [Erase]. The

Name and Number will be erased, and

the Phonebook will be re-numbered.

The Handset will display the “Entry

erased” message for 2 seconds,

and then the screen will return to the

Phonebook List, as follows:

14.5 Place a Call

While On-Hook, scroll to the desired

Name and Number, or press a number

(1 - 50) to go directly to the entry, in

your Phonebook, and press . The

phone will automatically go Off-Hook

and dial the selected number.

While in the Off-Hook/Talk mode, scroll

to the desired Name and Number in your

Phonebook. The Handset will display the

following screen:

Select [Dial] to dial the number in the

pointed entry, or select [Exit] to return to

the Talk screen.

14. Using the Handset Phonebook Menu