Edit a phonebook entry, Verizon one user guide, Using the handset phonebook menu – Verizon One User Manual

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© 2006 Verizon

Verizon One

User Guide


14.2 Add a New Name (cont’d)

The following screen will be displayed:

If the Phonebook is full when you

select (Add New Name), a “Phonebook

full” message will be displayed for 2-

seconds. When the Phonebook is full,

you can store a new Name entry only

after an existing entry has been erased:

14.3 Edit a Phonebook Entry

To edit a Phonebook entry, select

[Options] when the pointer is at the

desired entry. The following screen will

be displayed with the pointer at [Edit]:

1. Select [Edit]. The following “Name”

screen will be displayed:

2. The Name will appear with the

blinking underscore.

3. Select [Clear] to delete (backspace)

characters that you wish to edit.

4. Using the keypad characters (0-9,

*, #), enter the edited Name. (

Note: If

you input more than 11 characters, an

error tone will be heard and additional

characters will not be accepted).

14. Using the Handset Phonebook Menu