Verizon one handset screens, Standby, No new calls – Verizon One User Manual

Page 33: Verizon one user guide

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© 2006 Verizon

Verizon One

User Guide


11.1 Standby

After you have charged and registered

the Handset to the Base, the Standby

screen will be displayed on the

Handset’s LCD screen. The Standby

screen provides information such as:
• Current Time and Date
• Battery Level Meter

Note: At a high or full charge, the

battery level meter will not be

• Handset Name (“

Verizon One” is the

Handset’s default name)
• Number of New Calls and Messages
• Message Waiting Indicator

Note: The activity LED on the

Handset will also blink
• Line Status
• Ringer Muted Indication

While the Standby screen is displayed,

you can press to scroll

through the list of Incoming calls.

The following examples illustrate the

Handset’s response to various call


11.2 No New Calls

When there are no new calls, no

messages waiting, and the line is not

in use, the Handset will display the

following Standby screen:


Verizon One Handset Screens