Tyco F3200 User Manual

Page 92

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F3200 Installation & Programming Manual

Document No: LT0122


Page 6-26

5 July 2001

Issue 2.7


Country Coder (alarm signalling)

This is only required for FIPs connected to Brigades with NSW Country Coder equipment.

It allows the selection of a code of 1 to 6 pulses to be signalled on the FIP Brigade Alarm

relay. These occur in a repeated sequence of 3 seconds off followed by 1 second on for

each pulse, with a space of 1 second between pulses.

Select the coder option and enter the digit for the required number of pulses.

The default code (0) programs standard Alarm relay operation.

Printer setup

The printer setup menu options are:

1:Lines per page; 2:Baud Rate; 3:Print relay controls; 4:more

Option 1:lines per page, determines how often a new page/page heading is printed and

option 2:baud rate allows the baud rate of the printer serial port to be selected.

Option 3 allows the enabling/disabling of the printing of relay control events


Option 4:more gives a further menu: 1:Event printing; 2:Select print evt; 3:Select history evt

Option 1 allows event printing to be enabled or disabled. When event printing is

disabled no events at all are printed and the size of the history queue is doubled.

Options 2 and 3 allow the selection of which types of events are to be printed and

which type are to be logged to history. There are six different types which can be

individually enabled or disabled, and these are shown as

1:Zone 2:System 3:Sys run 4:Cct 5:Pnt 6:Relay.

Numeric keys 1 to 6 are used to enable or disable each type. A 'Y' character is

shown if the type is enabled and 'N' for disabled.

Zone events include zone alarm, reset, isolate etc.

System events include "system test passed", "system power up" etc, and includes all

events which are not one of the other 5 types.

Sys run (system running), is for the daily "auto test passed" event (or for network

systems the daily "system running" event).

Cct (circuit) and pnt (point) apply only to network systems.

Relay events include local ancillary and module relay events such as isolate, fault,

operate test, and (de)activate. If relay events are enabled then local relay activate

and relay deactivate events may be separately disabled (as described in the previous

menu). For network systems, module relay and ancillary relay events are sent onto

the network as zone events and hence the printing and history logging of them is

controlled by the zone type option and not the relay event type option. However, it is

possible to disable the transmission of relay activate and deactivate events onto the

network - refer to section 11.8.