Programming relays – Tyco F3200 User Manual

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Document No: LT0122

F3200 Installation & Programming Manual

Programming System Configuration

Issue 2.7

5 July 2001

Page 7-27


Open Collectors - 1 to 64 corresponding to the AZC boards installed.

Ancillary Relay - MAF ancillary relays 1,2,3.

Net Var - network variables 1 - 256 (network systems only).

Menu 2

MAF Relay - Standby, Fault, Isolate, Alarm

Zone Isol, Zone De-isol, Zone Reset - these commands can be applied to alarm

zones (zones 1-64), module relays (zones 65 - 128), ancillary relays (zones
193-196) and plant (zone 197). These are described in section 7.4.9.

free space - this option is used to display the number of free and used output logic

blocks - output logic storage memory is organised into 16 byte blocks.

Menu 3

SNA - for V2.09 or later software, this is used to control the fault sounder. When the

equation changes from false to true, the fault sounder is activated and the SOF
token becomes true. Pressing any key will silence the sounder. SNA must go
false then true again to re-activate the sounder. The fault sounder will also be
activated by any conditions in the system that normally activate it.



When programming relays, the following points should be observed:


The default operation of the F3200 MAF Brigade relays conform to AS1603.4.

Programming relays for operation, other than default, may contravene the standard.


If programming the Alarm relay with a logic equation and it is desired to have it

operate during Brigade Test, then the equation entered should include the BGT

token. For network systems, note that the ALM token does not include any alarm

status received from other panels on the network.


Although the MAF Standby relay may be programmed to operate off a logic

equation, it is still de-energised (by hardware) for the Battery Very Low condition.


If it is desired to use the Plant Isolate option of the "ANCIL ISOL" function menu, all

relays to be isolated must include the PLI token in their equations. E.g. R3 = (Z5A +

Z6A) . ^PLI.


It is not recommended to program normally energised relays because Global
and Plant Isolate de-energise them. Also, they increase FIP quiescent

current. All relays have normally closed contacts (i.e. for relay de-energised).


If Anc3 has a logic equation entered for it, it no longer operates as "Bells" and is not

affected by the "BELLS ISOL" key. The key does still set the BLI token and so, if

desired, another relay (e.g. a module relay) could be programmed to operate on a

logic equation which includes BEL or BLI (and hence be isolated by "BELLS ISOL").

The BELLS ISOLATED LED operates from BLI and is not affected by the

programming of Anc3.