Tyco F3200 User Manual
Page 233

Document No: LT0122
F3200 Installation & Programming Manual
Network Programming
Issue 2.7
5 July 2001
Page 11-23
Network setup
The parameters for Link TX time, Link RX time, groups etc should be programmed as for a
standard F3200.
Network SID configuration.
All 8 items that can be enabled per SID are relevant to an NDU and should be enabled or
disabled as necessary.
Network MAF config
The MAF status transmitted onto the network by an NDU may include alarm, isolate, fault,
brigade test, system fault, standby, and silence alarms.
Network command config
An NDU may send and receive commands on the network such as system tests, zone tests,
zone isolate/deisolate etc. All of the commands described in the F3200 Operator's Manual
apply to an NDU except that an NDU has no open collector outputs or module relays.
FFCIF config
This operates the same as F3200.
Network Event Config
An NDU may transmit events, event updates and text.
Network Variable Config
An NDU may send and receive output logic network variables.
Network Status Config
An NDU may have transmission of network status refresh data enabled, if desired, and this
will cause it to transmit the status of its local zones which include alarm zones 1-16, bells,
ancillary relays, and plant isolate zones.