Programming zone isolate/de-isolate/reset commands, Entering output logic zone commands – Tyco F3200 User Manual

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Document No: LT0122

F3200 Installation & Programming Manual

Programming System Configuration

Issue 2.7

5 July 2001

Page 7-29


For example, an equation of R65=Z1:20(1)A

will result in alarm LED 1 turning on steady whenever one or more zones in the range 1 to

20 has an unisolated alarm.

An equation of R256=PLI , will result in isolate LED 64 turning on steady when PLANT is


An equation of R129=SFT , will result in fault LED 1 turning on steady whenever there is a

system fault.

RDU Zones 129-192

If any output logic equations are used to control zone LEDs, then the status transmitted to an

RZDU will include data for "zones" 129 to 192 (otherwise zones 129 to 192 are not sent to

an RZDU). The status of zones 129 to 192 as sent to an RZDU is generated from the output

logic equations which control the LEDs, where zones 129-192 correspond to LEDs 1 to 64.

For example, with equations

R65=Z1:20(1)A, R129=Z1:20(1)F and R193=Z1:20(1)I

then the status of zone 129 at an RZDU would show alarm if any of zones 1 to 20 at the

F3200 controller had an unisolated alarm, and similarly for fault and isolate.

NOTE At the F3200 controller, zones 129 to 192 actually correspond to open collector

outputs and are NOT the same as zones 129 to 192 at an RZDU.



F3200 allows the programming of equations which initiate zone isolate, zone deisolate or

zone reset commands. These commands have the same effect as if the operator initiated

the command using the keypad. With V2.08 or earlier software, these commands can be

used with alarm zones only (zones 1 to 64). With V2.09 or later, these commands can be

used with module relays (using zone numbers 65 to 128), ancillary relays (zones 193 to 196)

and plant (zone 197).


Selecting one of the menu options from output logic menu two "4:Zone isol 5:Zone deisol

6:Zone reset" will show the first programmed equation of that type. Pressing NEXT and

PREV steps forward and back through the list of equations of that type. The equation is

shown with a "first zone" and "last zone" and the command is applied to the range of zones

specified inclusively. If the first zone is the same as the last zone then the command applies

to that zone only. If there are no equations of the selected type then a "blank" equation is

shown with the first zone and last zone equal to zero. A "blank" equation is also shown after

stepping through all existing equations of the selected type and this can be used to enter a

new equation.