Tyco F3200 User Manual
Page 85

Document No: LT0122
F3200 Installation & Programming Manual
Issue 2.7
5 July 2001
Page 6-19
Example of Entry of Site Name
Enter the site name "Penrose No 1 Store".
From the Text Entry menu select option 1, Site.
The LCD has the inactive cursor in the first position of the top field and the active cursor on
A in the bottom field.
Move the cursor right with the " key until the letter P is selected.
Press "ENTER". The letter P should appear in the top field.
Scroll the bottom line with the % key to the lower case alphabet.
Move the cursor with the " key until the letter e is selected.
Press "ENTER".
Repeat for the other letters in Penrose.
To put a space after "Penrose" press the "NOT" key.
To enter the number 1 in "No 1" press the "1" key.
Mistakes can be corrected by use of the "EDIT", "DELETE", and "INSERT" keys.
When the correct name is entered in the top field press "ACK".
Alarm Text Message
The Alarm Text Message (Detector type) has 7 default options as specified in AS1603.4 and
shown in Fig 7.1.1. These include Smoke, Heat, FSW, etc (where FSW = flow switch).
There are 2 blank options (8 and 9) off the end of the bottom field which may be accessed
by the " key.
All of these messages may be edited by the user. However, it is recommended that where
non-default messages are required (e.g. flame, sub-FIP), then options 8 and 9 are used first.
Fault Action Text
When a fault occurs at the panel, the buzzer is turned on steady and if the LCD is currently
showing the base display then the text "A fault is present in the system" is shown on the top
line of the LCD and a 40 character user programmed text message is shown on the bottom
line of the LCD. The fault action text is cleared from the LCD when any key is pressed or
when the buzzer is turned off.
The 40 character user programmed text message could be used to show the name and
phone number of the local service company. When an EEPROM (database) reinitialise is
done, default fault action text of "Contact your service company" is assigned.