Examples of logic equations – Tyco F3200 User Manual
Page 124

F3200 Installation & Programming Manual
Document No: LT0122
Programming System Configuration
Page 7-22
5 July 2001
Issue 2.7
Example 1 - Use of Variables
Assume that two relays are required with similar logic equations, as follows:
R1 = (Z1A + Z2A + Z9A + Z10A) .^ Z3A
R9 = (Z1A + Z2A + Z9A + Z10A) .^ Z11A
Rather than enter both equations in full, it is easier to assign a variable to the common
section of logic and enter three equations as follows:
V2 = Z1A + Z2A + Z9A + Z10A
R1 = V2.^Z3A
R9 = V2.^Z11A
Example 2 - Use of Zone Range and Timers In a Deluge System
A manned area in a building has a high risk of fire but some chance of false operation of a
smoke detector. The area is protected by a solenoid operated deluge system. It is
considered best to run three separate smoke detector circuits through the area, and have a
"voting" system. Also, there is to be one circuit with heat detectors and mcps, and a circuit
of different coloured mcps which function as "Inhibit Deluge".
The logic specified by the consultants is that any smoke, heat or mcp operation sounds an
Alert warning tone in the area.
If any 2 of the 3 smoke circuits operate, an Evacuate tone is sounded, and 20 seconds later
the deluge is to operate if no one has operated "Inhibit".
If an mcp or heat detector operates, the Evacuate tone and timer are to start and "Inhibit"
must not prevent the deluge from operating.
By assigning the smoke and thermal circuits consecutively, the zone range operand can be
used. Inhibit is assigned a separate zone which is configured as non-mapped to MAF,
The "zones" could be assigned as follows:
Zones Z9, Z10, Z11 are the smoke circuits
Zone Z12 is the heat/mcp circuit
Zone Z13 is the "Inhibit" circuit
Relay R4 switches the "Zone Alert"
Relay R5 switches the "Zone Evacuate"
Relay R6 switches the "Zone Deluge" solenoid.
The appropriate names for zones and relays would be entered as text. For thermal
detectors with electronic bases and all mcps "shorting" the circuits, the AZCs would be
configured with:
AZC 12 as "Heat", with B1 = Alarm;
AZC 13 as "Manual" with B1 = Instant Alarm.