Programming methods, Data filters - the sid list & groups list, Network maf status – Tyco F3200 User Manual

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F3200 Installation & Programming Manual

Document No: LT0122

Network Programming

Page 11-4

5 July 2001

Issue 2.7





The Panel-Link network utilises a number of concepts to allow a network designer to

determine not only what information gets onto the network, but where that information can

be used.

The first concept is the SID list: an F3200 can only use Network Logic, MAF data and MAF

totals from units whose SID is in the list and can only send and receive commands, recall

zones and monitor the scan status (link integrity) for SIDs in the SID list.

The second concept is the Group Membership list. This concept affects Event Annunciation

(FFCIF alarms) and Event Logging, where the events are broadcast onto the network. Each

unit on the network is programmed for membership in any number of the 8 groups possible.

Events contain the group membership list of the unit that generated the event.

11.2.2 NETWORK



An F3200 panel transmits (if programmed to) its MAF status and totals (alarm, fault, isolate

and "other" as shown on the base display) onto the network for use by other panels. Other

panels will use that MAF status to drive their own MAF outputs (alarm, fault, isolate, standby

and bells outputs) only if they are programmed to use the MAF status that comes from this

panel (refer to SID list programming section 11.4.3 "use MAF relay option"). This allows the

brigade connection/signalling to be done at only one panel on the network if desired

(although it may be done by more than one panel if necessary).

The totals received from other panels on the network may be added to the local totals of this

panel and shown on the base display. If any of the totals (alarm, fault, isolate) shown on the

base display of this panel are non zero then the corresponding front panel LED will be on.

The MAF status transmitted onto the network includes the following information. All of the

states are normally false and become true for an off normal condition.


MAF alarm state.

True if any non isolated MAF mapped zone is in alarm.

When true, this will cause any panel on the network which is programmed to use the

MAF data from this panel, to energise the MAF alarm relay. When true, it will also

cause the receiving panel to energise the bells relay (if the bells at the receiving

panel are not isolated or silenced). See NOTE 1 below.


MAF fault state.

True if any non isolated MAF mapped zone or relay is in fault.

When true, this will cause any panel on the network which is programmed to use the

MAF data from this panel, to energise the MAF fault relay and, (if the receiving panel

is an F3200 panel), to turn its buzzer on when a new fault occurs.


MAF isolate state.

True if any MAF mapped zone or relay is isolated. When true, this will cause any

panel on the network which is programmed to use the MAF data from this panel, to

energise the MAF isolate relay.


MAF standby state.

True if there is any "standby fault" present (e.g. all zones isolated). When true, this

will cause any panel on the network which is programmed to use the MAF data from

this panel to generate a system fault.