Introduction, General, Menu structure & parameter entry – Tyco F3200 User Manual
Page 68: Introduction -2, 1 introduction

F3200 Installation & Programming Manual
Document No: LT0122
Page 6-2
5 July 2001
Issue 2.7
The F3200 has two main levels of programming. The first level is accessible to the Operator
(via the keypad) and does not require entry of an access code. It allows the setting of
parameters, such as time and date, which do not affect the basic structure of the system.
The second level allows entering of data into the database to configure the operation of the
FIP. It is accessible only by fitting the WRITE ENABLE link on the Controller and entering
an access code on the keypad. When this level has been accessed, Alarm and other I/O
processing is stopped.
The FIP can be programmed from the keypad and the database can be saved to a
computer, and restored from a computer, in binary format. (Currently, the database can not
be configured off line on a computer. It can only be configured from the FIP keypad).
It is recommended that, for each FIP, configuration sheets specifying Text and all
parameters, be filled out before programming commences. Some suggested master sheets
are included in Appendix B. A set of completed sheets should be kept in the contract file.
1. When filling out configuration sheets it is only necessary to record any non-default
2. It is necessary to install and configure the modules before the other programming,
such as text entry, is performed.
The recommended order of configuration and programming is shown in Section 6.1.4.
The Programming menu structure of the F3200 takes the form of an inverted tree, with a
display screen for every branch. Each screen shows an item with parameters to be
changed, a prompt, or a menu of options.
Options are normally preceded by numbers, and the desired choice is made by pressing the
appropriate digit on the numeric keypad (1-9).
The general method of programming is to step down the branches of the tree by selecting
options until the sub-level which contains the items to be programmed (e.g. Configure
Zones) is reached. Items (e.g. Zone 1, Zone 2, etc) can be stepped through by use of the
"NEXT" and "PREV" keys.
When an item is selected, the attributes (e.g. MAF Mapping) are selected by use of the
horizontal cursors (! "). For each attribute selected the options are displayed. Options
(e.g. N for non-mapped, M for mapped) are selected by use of the vertical cursor (#), or, in
cases where there are more than two choices, pressing the digit associated with the desired
When all the desired attributes for an item have been selected they are saved into the
database (where applicable) by pressing "ACK".
The "CLEAR ESC" (Escape) key is used to return up levels in the menu tree. To get from
one branch of the tree to another branch of the tree, generally "CLEAR ESC" must be
repeatedly pushed until the menu option gives the choice of the two branches.