Oce North America TDS600 User Manual
Page 212

Océ TDS600 Multifunctional Digital System User Manual
Pen priority
Pen parameters can be defined in two ways:
- In the plot data file
- In the Remote Configuration File (RCF) or Océ Job Ticket (OJT)
If pen priority is set to 'Language', the pen parameters defined in
the plot data file will be used. If pen priority is set to 'Setup', the
pen parameters defined in the configuration file or the job ticket re-
ceived with the plot will be used.
PS no clip
If 'PS no clip' is set to 'On' and the plot defines a Page Size (PS)
value of WxH (Width and Height), the PS is not taken into account.
In that case the plot may be bigger or smaller than the PS.
You can use the 'Emulation type' option to determine the type of
printer you want to emulate: HP650C or HP750C. The default em-
ulation type is HP650C, which is backward compatible with old
machines. Differences occur in the default pen palette and the de-
fault number of pens. If HP750C is selected, the default palette is
a grey level palette and compatible with HP750C.
Line at-
If the 'HP default' value is set, the Line Attributes instruction is ful-
ly emulated. All types of lines ends/joins allowed by the Line at-
tributes specifications will be therefore printed according to these
specifications. For backward compatibility reason, the interpreta-
tion of this instruction can be disabled ('Océ Round value). In that
case, the lines of the plot will be processed as rounded and without
Pen width
To enable or disable the pen width scaling.
If enabled: scaling an image will scale the pen width correspond-
Kanji font
To specify the correct font set for the files which contain Kanji