Oce North America TDS600 User Manual

Page 156

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Océ TDS600 Multifunctional Digital System User Manual

Drawing method


You can use the ‘Drawing method’ option to determine how
your output must be folded.
Choose between Standard, Afnor and Ericsson

Min/max values


Menu path

Jobs - Copy & File - Defaults - Original card - Feeding - Draw-
ing method

Remove leading / trailing strip


Use the remove leading or trailing strip settings to remove, by
default, a blank strip at the top or bottom of the image. The
print length will decrease accordingly.
‘Remove leading strip’ will remove a blank strip at the top of
the image.
‘Remove trailing strip’ will remove a blank strip at the bottom
of the image.
You can remove up to of 400 mm or 16 inch in steps of 1 mm.
By default, no leading or trailing strip is defined.
Remove leading or trailing strips will always work, unless you
try to remove the entire plot.

Min/max values


Menu path

Jobs - Copy & File - Defaults - Original card - Sheet - Remove
leading / trailing strip

Scan width method


The ‘Scan width method’ option allows you to select the width
that will be scanned:
Standard: The width scanned is according to the automatic
sensed original width.
Non-standard: The scan width is extended to the first not ac-
tivated original width sensor or maximum original size.
Custom: Custom selected width. Useful if the original is a
non-standard format. This setting will overrule the automati-
cally detected original size.

Min/max values


Menu path

Jobs - Copy & File - Defaults - Original card - Sheet - Scan
width method