Making the volume change (tva), Tone level parameter (tva p. 95), The tone pan parameter (tva p. 95) – Roland XV-3080 User Manual

Page 95: Making the volume change (p. 95)

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Chapter 4 Creating a Patch

Chapter 4

envelope depth when you play softly or hard. Negative (-)
settings reverse the direction of change.

V-Curve (TVF envelope velocity curve)FIXED/1–

This selects one of seven velocity curves that determine how
velocity will affect the depth of the TVF Envelope. The
selected curve is displayed graphically to the right of its
value.When set to “FIXED,” the TVF envelope depth remains
unchanged, regardless of how hard or soft you play.

Time KF (TVF envelope time keyfollow)-100–

Use this parameter when you want a note’s keyboard
position to affect times T2–T4 of the TVF envelope. Higher
settings change the times by a greater amount as you move
away from Middle C (C4) – at Middle C, the original T1–T4
settings are in effect. Positive (+) settings cause the times to
shorten as you play above Middle C. Negative (-) settings
cause the times to lengthen as you play above Middle C.

VT-1 (TVF envelope time 1 velocity sensitivity)-

Use this parameter when you want keyboard playing
dynamics (velocity) to affect T1 (Time 1) of the TVF envelope.
With higher settings, the T1 value will change more
significantly depending on whether you play softly or with
greater force. With positive (+) settings, greater keyboard
velocity will reduce the T1 setting. With negative (-) settings,
greater keyboard velocity will increase the T1 setting.

VT-4 (TVF envelope time 4 velocity sensitivity)-

Use this parameter when you want keyboard playing
dynamics (velocity) to affect T4 (Time 4) of the TVF envelope.
With higher settings, the T1 value will change more
significantly depending on whether you play softly or with
greater force. With positive (+) settings, greater keyboard
velocity will reduce the T4 setting. With negative (-) settings,
greater keyboard velocity will increase the T4 setting.


L0 (TVF envelope level 0)0–127

* *** chaaaange This sets the amount of change applied to the

cutoff frequency setting when the key is first pressed.

T1–T4 (TVF envelope time 1–4)0–127

These settings determine the times over which the cutoff
frequency setting will change from one TVF envelope level
(L1–L4) to the next.

L1–L4 (TVF envelope level 1–4)0–127

Each TVF envelope level value determines an amount of
change to be applied to the original cutoff frequency setting.

Making the Volume Change

The TVA (Time Variant Amplifier) controls volume changes
to the Tone as well as its stereo positioning.


Level (Tone level)0–127

This sets the Tone’s basic volume. This setting is useful
primarily for adjusting the volume balance between Tones in
a Patch.

* The overall volume of the Patch is set by the Patch Level

(PATCH LVL&PAN page) setting, raising or lowering the
Tone level settings of its individual Tones by the selected
amount. (p. 85)

Pan (Tone Pan)L64–0–63R

This specifies the stereo position of the Tone. L64 places the
Tone hard left, 0 puts it dead-center and 63R pans it hard

* The overall panning of the entire Patch is set by the Patch Pan

parameter (PATCH LVL&PAN page), shifting the Tone Pan
values of its individual Tones leftward or rightward by the
selected amount. (p. 85)

V-Sens (TVA level velocity sensitivity)-63–+63

Use this setting when you want keyboard touch (velocity) to
affect the Tone volume. Set this to a positive value to have
the changes in tone volume increase the more forcefully the
keys are played; to make the Tone play more softly as you
play harder, set this to a negative value.

V-Curve (TVA level velocity curve)FIXED/1–7

This setting allows you to select from seven velocity curves
that determine how the force with which the keyboard is
played is to affect the Tone’s volume. The selected curve is
displayed to the right of its parameter value.

When set to “FIXED,” the Tone’s volume will not be affected
by the force with which the keyboard is played.


Use the Bias parameter when you want the position of notes
on a keyboard to affect the TVA level.












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