Palm Treo 755P User Manual
Page 376
personal computers. See PCs
personal information 26
personal information managers 292
See also phone calls; phone numbers
accessing directory assistance for 319
accessing operator assistance for 319
adding speed-dial buttons for 75
adjusting ringer volume for 87
answering 25
customizing 84
dialing 57
enabling as modem 110
getting started with 23
hands-free devices and 78
hanging up 11
Internet connections and 111
locking 274
not activated 22
opening applications and 67
power consumption and 19
redialing 60
roaming and 93
selecting alert tones for 86
selecting ringtones for 85
setting dialing preferences for 89
setting up call waiting for 69
specifications for 344
temporarily disabling 19
text messaging and 138
three-way calling and 70
TTY devices for 91
turning on and off 11
Phone application
accessing Dial Pad from 57
customizing appearance of 84
defined 323
displaying calendar in 207
displaying current events in 84
managing active calls with 65
monitoring device status from 95
opening 11
selecting wallpaper for 84
setting caller ID preferences and 88
setting dialing preferences and 89
setting phone preferences and 90
setting roaming preferences and 93
setting sound preferences and 85
phone as modem features 323
phone book 82
See also Address Book
Phone button 11
phone calls
See also phone; phone numbers
adding a second 69
adjusting volume for 23
emergency services for 90
ending 65
forwarding 71
making 23
managing 65
placing on hold 66
receiving 25
routing to Bluetooth devices 81