Other aaa messages, Reboot requests, Public space parameters – Proxim ORiNOCO AP-2500 User Manual
Page 130: Other aaa messages reboot requests
Public Space Parameters
Other AAA Messages
Reboot Requests
AAA: 4121 AAA_lookup Tried to add blacklisted IP or MAC 00:50:E8:00:07:99
Attempting to add a blacklisted IP to subscriber table. IP is
'blacklisted' when its one of the IPs known to not belong to a
subscriber (i.e. Network/Subscriber IP of the AP, etc.).
USG_AAA: 4006 AAA_Interface
Removed_by_administrator 00:00:78:02:1D:70 USG_AAA:
4006 AAA_Interface Removed_by_administrator aforum
Subscriber’s profile was removed by an administrator.
USG_AAA: 4007 AAA_Interface Added_by_administrator
ahughes Exp_time:Unlimited
Subscriber’s profile was added to the database with a user
USG_AAA: 4009 AAA_Interface Updated_by_administrator
00:03:47:F0:8F:72 Exp_time:Unlimited
Subscriber’s profile was updated by an administrator
USG_AAA: 4013 AAA_Interface Cache_entry_removed
00:03:47:F0:8F:72 bytes:165304
A Pending or RADIUS user’s profile has been removed from
the Current Subscribers list.
USG_AAA: 4102 AAA_lookup Time_expired
Pending user has been removed from the Current
Subscribers list by the cleanup routine.
USG_AAA: 4104 AAA_lookup
Memory_updated__State_valid 00:00:21:DB:FD:D3
A Pending user has been changed to Valid because his
MAC address already exists in the internal database of the
USG_AAA: 4106 AAA_lookup
Added_in_memory_table__Pending 00:00:4C:3B:3B:22
A subscriber appears on the AP and has not yet
authenticated. This will appear only if AAA is enabled.
USG_AAA: 4115 AAA_lookup Location_changed
00:00:39:05:53:3A bytes:0
This occurs if a subscriber has changed from one VLAN to
USG_AAA: 4119 AAA_lookup Disconnected
00:90:CC:00:41:40 bytes:29981231
A subscriber has been removed from the Current
Subscribers list due to inactivity. The subscriber’s profile has
not been deleted in this case.
CLI_TN: 0254 Requesting reboot
Reboot requested via Telnet session
WWS: 0254 Requesting reboot
Reboot requested via Web Interface
CLI_SR: 0254 Requesting reboot
Reboot requested via Serial connection