Public space parameters – Proxim ORiNOCO AP-2500 User Manual
Page 114
Public Space Parameters
Figure 5-7
Sample Passthrough Tables
10. Click OK.
11. Click the HPR tab.
12. Place a check mark in the Enable Home Page Redirection box.
13. Enter the Web site to which you want to direct customers following successful authentication in the Redirection
URL field (for example,
14. Click OK.
15. Click Commands > Reboot.
16. Click OK to reboot the AP so your changes will take effect.
17. Test the Portal Page feature by turning on a wireless computer and launching its Web browser.
Note that the computer must not be a current or active subscriber (that is, the wireless card’s MAC address
cannot appear in the
Table or in the
with State sent to
Valid) for this test to work properly.
A successful test should follow the procedure described for the HTML file in
HTML Portal Page
1. Copy the three sample files (portalpage.asp, confirm.asp, and portalogo.gif) to a folder on your Web server. For
this example, the files are copied to c:\inetpub\wwwroot\portal\.
2. Configure the AP to use Internal Authentication, following the instructions described in the
section. Skip any steps that refer to Portal Page, walled garden, or Home Page Redirection.
3. Click PublicSpace > AAA > Internal.
4. Place a check mark in the Enable Portal Page field.
5. Enter the location of the portalpage.asp file in the Portal Page URL field and include the AP’s IP address in a
?IP=APIPADDR& statement at the end of the file name.
In the example below, the Web server’s IP address is and the AP’s IP address is
Therefore, the Portal Page URL field reads:
Using the above example, the URL in the subscriber’s Web browser would read as follows after a successful
redirect (assuming that the customer attempted to access the Yahoo home page before logging in):
— The Web server parses out the IP and OS statements from the URL string based on the instructions in the
ASP file (the <%=request("IP")%> and <%=request("?OS")%> commands).