Operating several handsets – Siemens 2015 User Manual
Page 68
Operating several handsets
Gigaset 2015 plus, GBR: A30852-X1105-B401-1-7619
Operating several handsets
Assignment of ringing (incoming calls)
If several handsets are in operation, you can specify how
incoming calls are signalled at all logged-on handsets. A
distinction is made between:
Collective ringing (default) – incoming calls are sig-
nalled at all logged-on handsets. You can remove indi-
vidual handsets from the collective ringing or rein-
state handsets which have been temporarily
withdrawn from the collective ringing.
Ringing priority – incoming calls are first signalled at
a “priority” handset in ringing group 1. The handsets
assigned to ringing group 2 are only called after a cer-
tain number of rings.
You can specify which handsets are assigned to the
first and the second group and after how many rings,
the second group is signalled. Units not entered are
excluded from ringing priority.
Direct inward dialling – callers can dial an internal
subscriber directly when the answering machine is
switched on. Fax connections are connected via auto-
matic fax recognition. The system code must, howev-
er, be set to a value other than “0000” (➔ page 20).
After the ring tone, the caller hears a high multiple
tone and can then enter the internal extension of the
required subscriber. If the caller enters an incorrect in-
ternal extension or if the subscriber does not answer,
collective ringing is performed for all handsets. If the
call is not picked up after a defined number of rings,
the answersing machine is activated. Direct inward di-
alling is deactivated by default.
Switching between collective ringing, ringing priority and direct inward dialling
Collective ringing
Ringing grp 1
Ringing grp2
Ringing grp 1
Ringing grp 2
# 1
Start the procedure.
Enter 4-digit system code (default “0000”)
(➔ page 20).
* 2 3
The current setting is indicated on the display:
n23 1
P f
(Example:1 = collective
ringing is set)