Multi-Tech Systems MMCModem GPRS (MTMMC-G) User Manual
Page 28

Chapter 5 – Call Control Commands
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. Wireless GSM/GPRS AT Commands (Document Number S000293I)
containing far end speech, upon which the switch only mechanism must run in quiet
conditions. The allowed range is [162 - 32767].
The default is
allowed range is [162 - 32767].
The default is
Important Note:
value of the noise floor estimate expressed in dB (log2). The allowed range is
[NOISE_LEVEL_MIN+1 - 31] with NOISE_LEVEL_MIN being a constant
(NOISE_LEVEL_MIN=4 in the current implementation).
The default is
regarding the far end signal power and the far end signal noise floor level. This parameter
specifies a threshold on the SNR above which the switch mechanism will be activated.
This parameter is expressed as an integer of 16 bits and must be in the range [0 - 32767].
The default is
is possible to artificially reduce its level. This parameter is expressed in fixed point as a
signed Q15, meaning that 32767 stands for 1.0, and 0 for 0.0. It ranges fro 0 to 32767.
Setting this value to 0 means no comfort noise.
The default is
recorded noise sequence by means of a tool provided by Wavecom (C or Matlab source
code) The recorded sequence shall be made in the noisy conditions and contain noise
The allowed range is [0 - 65535].
The default for
CNGParam1 is 27484.
The default for
CNGParam2 is 38697.
estimated by the same tools use to estimate
It is represented as a Q15 of 16 bits. The allowed range is [0 - 32767].
The default is
audio signal when speech is detected on the distant side.
The default is
of active communication):
value is 65535.
The field
When a new algoid is selected, AT+ECHO? returns 3 for the mode. The changes will
be taken into account after a reset.