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QnA compatible 4C frame

(Format 5)

One of the message formats for the serial communication module for performing communication

using the MC protocol and binary code data.

This is the same message format as the communication frame using the protocol for the QnA

series serial communication modules.

• QnA compatible 4C frame (Format 5): QnA extension frame (Format 5)

Details are explained in Chapter 3 of the Reference Manual.

User frame

Data name when the fixed format portion of messages to be sent or received between a serial

communication module and an opposite device is registered in the module and used for sending

and receiving data with the functions listed below. (The contents of an user frame data should

conform to the specifications of the opposite device).

The data array of the head and tail sections of a message (transmission control code, C24 station

number, sum check, fixed data, etc.) to be sent and received is registered in the serial

communication module before use.

• MC protocol on-demand function.

• Data communication function using the non procedure protocol.

Details are explained in Chapter 9 of the User's Manual (Applications).

This manual is related to the following products: