EastWest Hollywood Orchestra Opus Edition Virtual Instrument Plug-In (Download) User Manual
Page 79
This instrument features an articulation that is characterized by a sudden, strong accent
that quickly tapers off into a quiet, expressive vibrato note that is sustained for a couple
beats. CC 11 (Expression), and Note Velocity control overall loudness.
This instrument features an articulation that bounces the bow on the string to create very
short notes followed by a pure ring as they are allowed to vibrate freely without further
contact from the bow. CC 11 (Expression), and Note Velocity control overall loudness,
Note Velocity controls dynamics (3 levels), and there is a round robin (x4) cycle per note.
The instruments in this group are played ‘Monophonic True Legato,’ meaning that
each legato transition was recorded live at multiple different volumes and velocity
layers, as opposed to being created artificially by the program. This produces more
realistic results and captures more of the performer’s character in each note transi-
Leg Bow Change
This instrument features a legato bow direction change, in which overlapping notes pro-
duce a dramatic and expressive bowing to accent the second note while still playing in a
connected fashion (as opposed to a slur, which makes the transition as seamless as pos-
sible). A performance script determines which layer is selected based on whether legato
playing is detected or not, and timing between legato intervals is adjusted (tighter or
looser) based on how hard or soft you play (Note Velocity). When playing connected notes
(legato) up to an octave in either direction, a legato bow change articulation will play,
cross-fading into a sustain vibrato layer. When playing disconnected notes (non-legato),
a détaché layer with a round robin (x2) cycle per note will playback. CC 11 (Expression),
and CC 1 (Mod Wheel) controls overall loudness, and CC 1 (Mod Wheel) controls dynam-
ics (up to 3 levels).
Leg Bow Change Fast
This instrument features a rapid legato bow direction change, in which overlapping notes
produce a quick jump in volume and give the beginning of each note a clear attack. A
performance script determines which layer is selected based on whether legato playing is
detected or not, and timing between legato intervals is adjusted (tighter or looser) based
on how hard or soft you play (Note Velocity). When playing connected notes (legato) up to
an octave in either direction, a legato bow change articulation will playback, cross-fading
into a détaché layer with a round robin (x2) cycle per note. When playing disconnected
(non-legato), the same détaché layer will playback. CC 11 (Expression), and CC 1 (Mod
Wheel) control overall loudness.
Leg Bow Change Smooth
This instrument features a gentle legato bow direction change that blends two connected
notes together with a soft, non-slurred attack. A performance script determines which
layer is selected based on whether legato playing is detected or not, and timing between
legato intervals is adjusted (tighter or looser) based on how hard or soft you play (Note
Velocity). When playing connected notes (legato) up to an octave in either direction, a
legato bow change articulation will playback, cross-fading into a sustain vibrato layer.
When playing disconnected (non-legato), the same sustain vibrato layer will playback. CC