EastWest Hollywood Orchestra Opus Edition Virtual Instrument Plug-In (Download) User Manual
Page 185

Pro Tools
Follow the instructions below to recording the MIDI output from Hollywood Orchestrator
onto separate MIDI channels in Pro Tools.
1. To begin, go to the App Menu that populates along top of the Pro Tools application,
and click on the ‘Track’ menu, then select ‘New’.
2. In the ‘New Tracks’ window, designate a stereo instrument track, then click ‘Create’.
3. Click in the ‘Inserts’ menu, then go to ‘multichannel plug-in’ > ‘instruments’, and
select Opus (stereo) from the list.
4. Go back to the App Menu that populates along top of the Pro Tools application, and
click on the ‘Track’ menu, then select ‘New’.
5. In the ‘New Tracks’ window, enter 16 in the ‘Create New’ field, select MIDI track, and
then click ‘Create’.
6. In the Input menu of each of the 16 MIDI tracks just created, select ‘Opus - Opus
Out’, then assign each of them to their respective MIDI inputs from channels 1-16.
7. Now, record-enable the Opus instrument track and each of the 16 MIDI tracks by
holding shift while clicking their record-enable buttons.