3 comparing opus and play edition instruments, Comparing opus and play edition instruments – EastWest Hollywood Orchestra Opus Edition Virtual Instrument Plug-In (Download) User Manual
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The samples folders are referenced by both the Play and Opus edition Instruments, how-
ever, the new expansion content is only available in the Opus edition Instruments.
Simultaneous Use of Opus and Play Editions
Even though the library folder is shared between the Play and Opus editions, they have
separate Instruments and are used as separate products.
• The Hollywood Orchestra Opus Edition can only be used in Opus, just as the Play
edition can only be used in Play.
• Opus and Play can be used simultaneously, so projects saved with the Play edition of
Hollywood Orchestra can be used in conjunction with the Opus edition.
This makes the transition to Opus as smooth as possible for users that wish to convert
existing projects using the Play edition to Opus. Unfortunately, there’s no way to simply
convert your projects without building them in Opus, but being able to run Play and Opus
side by side can aide in the process.
3.2.3 Comparing Opus and Play Edition Instruments
The instruments in the Opus edition have been vastly simplified from the Play edition,
and the use of abbreviations in the instrument naming conventions has been signifi-
cantly reduced.
Instrument Descriptions
Instead of relying on naming conventions, instrument descriptions are available for each
instrument in the Description Box located at the top of the Browse page.
These descriptions provide a detailed breakdown of the articulations used in each in-
strument, how many dynamic, vibrato and articulation layers they contain, and how to
control them in terms of MIDI CCs and performance scripts.
MAX and LITE Instruments
Since the release of the Play edition, computer specifications have come a long way in
terms of the cost, CPU performance, capacity of memory (RAM), and drive speed (SSDs).
As a result, the number of instrument variations dedicated to help improve performance
on lower specification system has been reduced. Gone are separate ‘Powerful System’
folders and instruments, replaced by just two variations (where available): LITE and
As the name suggests, instruments denoted with MAX contain the most available
dynamic and vibrato layers. Typically, the LITE instruments contain about half the num-