EastWest Hollywood Orchestra Opus Edition Virtual Instrument Plug-In (Download) User Manual
Page 144

gato (monophonic) and non-legato (polyphonic) writing by the same instrument, you can
enable and disable the Portamento script by sending values between 0-63 (OFF) and
64-127 (ON) to MIDI CC 65.
This performance script that emulates legato playing by forcing monophonic behavior,
and adjusting note timing with no significant silence between them in order to produce
smooth melodic lines. You can make this effect more or less pronounced by adjusting the
‘Time’ knob in the Performance section, which can also be controlled by sending values
on a scale between 0 (least pronounced) and 127 (most pronounced) to MIDI CC 5.
If you wish to have two concurrent legato lines played by the same instrument, a second
instance of that instrument should be loaded. However, if your writing calls for both le-
gato (monophonic) and non-legato (polyphonic) writing by the same instrument, you can
enable and disable the Portamento script by sending values between 0-63 (OFF) and
64-127 (ON) to MIDI CC 57.
The portamento and legato scripts are only emulations of these techniques,
and do not playback “true” portamento or legato interval samples. That is reserved for
instruments in the Legato folders, which use the ‘Monophonic True Legato’ performance
script described below.
Monophonic True Legato
This performance script is enabled by default on instruments that use “true” portamento
and legato samples, where each portamento and legato interval is meticulously sampled
for ultimate realism. It forces monophonic playback (by default), and uses MIDI Note
Velocity to adjust the timing of the legato transition playback, resulting in a looser or
tighter feel depending on hard hard or soft you play.
Playing softly (around a Note Velocity range of 50-60) will result in a longer legato transi-
tion time, allowing the melody to breathe more. Playing more forcefully (around a Note
Velocity range of 110-127), will result in a shorter legato transition time, tightening up
the timing between notes. When Note Velocity is used to control Legato Speed, it does
not affect loudness.
The forced monophonic behavior can be turned on and off by sending values to MIDI CC
22 between 0 and 63 to enable polyphony, and between values 64 and 127 to enable
monophonic behavior. Note Velocity will continue to affect legato transition time unless
the script is turned off.
Disabling monophonic behavior runs the risk of inadvertently playing back
unwanted legato transitions when there is more than one melodic line being played.
Con Sordino
This performance script emulates playing strings con sordino, which means “with mute”.
On string instruments, a mute attached to the strings near the bridge dampens the vibra-
tion, and creates a sound with fewer high overtones. You can turn this script on or off
by clicking the ‘Con Sordino’ button in the Performance section, or by sending values
between 0-63 (off) or 64-127 (on) to MIDI CC 15.