EastWest Hollywood Orchestra Opus Edition Virtual Instrument Plug-In (Download) User Manual
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note to act as the retongued attack. It is this start of each note that participates in the 4-way
round robin (as indicated by “RRx4” in the name). This patch is designed for repeated notes
within an otherwise legato phrase, but you may find other circumstances in which it works in
your compositions
Articulations included in the 02 Short folder include varieties of Staccato, Staccatis-
simo, and Marcato.
Even when there are no rests between short notes, be sure to hold the last
note of the phrase long enough to let the reverberation of that last note ring. Be aware
that, in general, short articulations do not include release trails. But there is some rever-
beration at the end of the main sample once the instrument stops playing. This approach
allows you to play fast passages without building up a lot of overlapping reverberations.
Therefore, when playing a phrase of staccato notes, be sure to hold the MIDI notes long
enough to hear the natural reverberation of the recording studio in the short rests be-
tween the sounding notes (if your tempo allows it).
Staccato and Staccatissimo
The term “staccato” refers to any note of short duration that is not connected legato to the
following note. Staccatissimo is like Staccato, but with notes of even shorter duration. In the
names of the articulation files, Staccatissimo is abbreviated “StacSs.”
Double Tongue
Some short articulation files indicate that they use the technique known as double tonguing.
This lets the instrumentalist achieve a faster sequence of notes by stopping the airflow alter-
nately with the tip of the tongue and with the back of the tongue against the palate. The tongue
moves in the same pattern as when saying “tiki tiki tiki.”
When used in a score, the term “marcato” indicates that every note is to be accented. This
articulation contains notes of a short duration that begin with a strong accent.
These are Round Robin instruments with 4 sets of samples in rotation.
Each one of these instruments allows you to use the Mod Wheel to move continuously among
several short articulations. As you push the Mod Wheel up from the bottom, the articulations
you hear proceed from the shortest (staccatissimo) to longer to marcato. Near the top of the
Mod Wheel’s range, the generated notes play a short attack and a sustained note. Use this
patch when you need a variety of note lengths, most of which are short.
Each of the four included articulations sits in about a quarter of the Mod Wheel’s 128-value
range. As you move from 0 to 127, you pass through:
• Staccatissimo
• Staccato
• Marcato Short
• Marcato Short played simultaneously with a Sustain