EastWest Hollywood Orchestra Opus Edition Virtual Instrument Plug-In (Download) User Manual
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between Note Velocities 124 and 127 (1 dynamic level), regardless of the Round Robin (RR)
cycle. CC 11 (Expression) and Note Velocity control overall loudness.
Individual Articulation Patches
This folder contains instruments that are made up of a single articulation. They are
programmed with multiple dynamic layers that are sensitive to MIDI Velocity. Below is a
description of the articulation each instrument contains.
A light tremolo produced by rapid finger plucks alternating between multiple fingers in se-
quence — multiple different timbres are produced in rapid sequence to create complex sus-
tained sound. It layers well with a string section and other plucked string instruments, and
creates a subtle twinkle effect when mixed in at low volumes. CC 11 (Expression) and Note
Velocity control overall loudness, and Note Velocity also controls dynamics (2 levels).
Double Hit
A single-articulation instrument that produces two notes played in rapid succession, an em-
bellishment akin to a grace note. The first note is gentle and soft, while the second is slightly
stronger — this combination is perfect for soft passages, especially when doubling piano or
pizzicato strings. CC 11 (Expression) and Note Velocity control overall loudness, and Note Ve-
locity also controls dynamics (2 levels).
Gliss Technique
A single-articulation instrument in which the fingers slide gently over each string to produce
a glissando. Individual notes in the glissando are separated out to their individual notes,
giving you more control over the timing and notes in the glissando — they can also be played
normally, producing a softer articulation than normal notes on the harp. CC 11 (Expression)
and Note Velocity control overall loudness, and Note Velocity also controls dynamics (3 levels).
A single-articulation instrument that produces only harmonics. They have a hollow, transparent
sound where the highest overtones are less pronounced and the fundamental is completely
missing, leaving only the upper partials. They produce the same pitch, but the absence of their
fundamentals creates a float-like quality that blends well with pizzicato strings and allows the
harp to play outside of its normal range. CC 11 (Expression) and Note Velocity control overall
loudness, and Note Velocity also controls dynamics (2 levels).
Nail Pick
A single-articulation instrument that triggers articulations from nails against the strings — this
produces a hard, overtone-rich note where the fundamental flares out. It creates a stronger
note than that of conventional harp plucks. CC 11 (Expression) and Note Velocity control over-
all loudness, and Note Velocity also controls dynamics (2 levels).
The standard method of harp performance without any ornamentation or unusual timbre
changes. Notes are rounded, without any particular emphasis on the fundamental or upper
partials. CC 11 (Expression) and Note Velocity control overall loudness, and Note Velocity also
controls dynamics (5 levels).