EastWest Hollywood Orchestra Opus Edition Virtual Instrument Plug-In (Download) User Manual
Page 101

The instrument types in this folder include various types of Sustain (abbreviated ‘Sus’),
Portato, and Legato Repetitions. Not all varieties of these articulations (for example,
accented attack and non-vibrato) are available for all solo instruments and orchestral
sections. All of them can be held indefinitely; this is achieved by looping the samples.
All Sustain instruments continue to play a note audibly as long as the note is held. They are a
good choice for slow-moving lines that need a consistent sound no matter how long the notes
are held.
The dynamics of the Sustain patches are controlled with the Mod Wheel. The further you push
it up, the louder the sound. By using the Mod Wheel instead of Velocity to control loudness,
you can create a realistic crescendo and/or decrescendo during a held note.
When you play any note in one of the patches all 4 dynamic layers start to play simultaneously,
but only one or two of them are audible at any one time, as controlled by the Mod Wheel. This
approach increases the voice count in PLAY and makes more demands on the computer pro-
cessor. If you need to reduce these demands, consider using the Sustain Lite patch described
below, when available.
Sustain Accent
Most solo instruments and sections include a patch which is sustained but with an accent at
the beginning of the note. The MIDI Velocity parameter controls the loudness of the attack. The
Mod Wheel controls the loudness of the sustained note. Push up the Mod Wheel (or increase
CC 1) to swell the overall volume of this instrument. And strike the keys harder (or increase the
velocity in a sequencer) whenever you want a louder accent.
Sustain Marcato Long and Short
In these patches, each note starts with a marcato attack to add some strength at the begin-
ning, but not as forceful an attack as in the Sustain Accent patch. The “Long” or “Short” in
the names specifies the length of this marcato attack.
The velocity with which you play each note affects the cutoff frequency of a low-pass filter
on the marcato samples. The harder you play a note on the keyboard, the more of the higher
frequencies are included, giving the note a harsher sound during the attack.
When playing portato, an instrumentalist holds each note its full length—or close to it—but
without tying it to the next note. This creates a non-legato effect, but without making the notes
sound staccato.
Legato Repetitions
This patch provides retongued repetitions to create the sound of repeated notes within a legato
phrase. These same samples are used in the Legato Slur Repetition patches where a script
plays them only in the appropriate context within a legato phrase. In this patch, you can deter-
mine in which ways you want to use this sound.
Mariachi Sustain
This patch includes a strong attack followed by a sustain with a lot of vibrato, in the style of a
mariachi band.