EastWest Hollywood Orchestra Opus Edition Virtual Instrument Plug-In (Download) User Manual

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The volume is controlled with the Mod Wheel and not with Velocity. In addition, in the loudest
range of dynamics, the Mod Wheel opens a low-pass filter to allow the rougher sound of over-
blowing to color the notes more and more as the Mod Wheel value gets closer to the maximum
of 127.

MIDI Velocity is used to control the speed of the legato transitions. The harder you press on the
keys, the faster the slur between notes.

Because these patches always start playing 4 sustain samples (and cross-fade between them
based on the Mod Wheel) and also use separate sample to provide the slurs, be aware that the
patches use more computer resources than most of the simpler instruments.

Legato Slur Accent
This patch works the same as the basic Legato Slur (described above) except that it includes
an accent at the attack. While the volume of the notes is controlled with the Mod Wheel, the
strength of the accents is controlled with the Velocity.

Legato Slur Repetitions
This patch is similar to the basic Legato Slur except that it also uses separate samples to
handle repeated notes. For example, if in a phrase 3 notes of the same pitch are played con-
secutively without space between the notes, the second and third occurrences use a retongued
version of the note to achieve the correct sound.

Slur Runs
This patch provides a slur legato sound with a lot of portamento that works well in very fast
runs. Each note can be held indefinitely, so if you want to, for example, run up to a note and
hold it, you can use this patch for both the run and the held note.

The characteristic sound occurs only when the interval between consecutive notes is either a
minor second or a major second. Larger intervals do not create the strong slur.

Dynamics for this instrument are controlled with the Mod Wheel, not Velocity. And, as with the
basic Legato Slur patch, this one uses a lot of resources because each note uses 4 Voices for
the 4 dynamic levels playing concurrently.

The use of mutes provides brass instruments with a wide variety of timbres significantly dif-
ferent from the un-muted sounds. These mutes fit into the flared bell of the instruments, but
are fashioned into various shapes to achieve the desired sound. The 06 Mutes folder contains
muted instruments performing many of the articulations listed in previous sections, such as
staccato, legato slur, crescendo, and clusters. See the tables above for what is available for
each section or solo instrument.

Another way to mute a brass instrument is to place one’s free hand in the bell. Such a mute is
called a “stop.” It is most characteristic of the French Horn.

See the descriptions of the unmuted versions of these instruments for details about Mod Wheel
usage and other factors.

The Solo Trombone instruments in the 06 Mutes folder include some specialized hardware,
such as the plunger mute. You should audition these muted patches to see which ones provide
the sounds you’re looking for.