HP Media Vault User Manual

Page 38

background image

b. Click the Backup tab.

c. Click Restore your entire drive.

2. In Step 1, from the drop-down list, select the location of the backup file you want to restore.
3. Click Browse to find and select the specific backup file to restore. DriveBackup! files have a .npf file

The selected file appears in the box below the list box and Browse button.

4. In Step 2, from the drop-down list, select the hard drive you want to restore.
5. Click Start.

The time it takes to restore the drive or drive partition depends on the size of the backup file.

DriveBackup! Menus

The DriveBackup! menus provide additional functionality for backing up your drive or drive partition.

Job Menu
This menu provides the following standard file capabilities: New, Open, Save, Save As, Exit.

Options Menu

Sets password protection


Reports Menu
Allows you to view or delete reports of all backup and restore operations. Every time a backup is created

or restored, DriveBackup! creates a report file that contains information to help you to trace and diagnose

problems that might occur. DriveBackup! will report all errors that have occurred in backup or restore

process in these files. By default, all report files are located in the Report Files directory found in the

installation directory for your DriveBackup! software.

View Backup Reports
Opens the Backup Report dialog box where you can view or remove reports by highlighting the

report and selecting the appropriate button.

View Restore Reports
Opens the Restore Report dialog box where you can view or remove reports by highlighting the

report and selecting the appropriate button.

Help Menu
Provides the built-in NTI help and support.

NTI Image Explorer

The NTI Image Explore allows you to restore individual folders and files from a DriveBackup! file. DriveBackup!
files have an .npf extension. To restore an entire drive or


, see

Restore a drive backup


To restore individual folders or files from an .npf file, follow these steps:

1. Start NTI Image Explorer:

a. Click Start, All Programs, NTI DriveBackup! 4, NTI Image Explorer.
b. In the EasySteps 1: What to restore? screen, select the location of the backup file you want to restore

from the drop-down list.