HP Media Vault User Manual
Page 18

How to use the HP Media Vault to transfer files
from an old PC to a new PC
Your HP Media Vault can help you simplify transferring files and settings from an old computer to a new
Using a feature found in the Windows XP and Windows 2000 operating systems called the Files and
Settings Transfer Wizard, you can transfer files, folders, and settings for Internet Explorer and Outlook
Express in addition to desktop and display settings, dial-up connections, and other types of settings to a file on
your media vault. On the new computer, you access this file stored on your media vault and transfer the settings
and files to your new computer.
The Windows Files and Settings Transfer Wizard must be available on the Windows operating system
on both your old and new computers.
Windows Vista: A similar feature exists in Windows Vista called Windows Easy Transfer. Instructions
for using this feature are in the Windows Vista help. Because Windows Easy Transfer copies files directly from
the old computer, you do not need to use the media vault for this process.
Steps for Windows XP and Windows 2000:
On your old PC:
1. Click Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, Files & Settings Wizard. The
Wizard’s first dialog box will appear.
2. Click Next.
3. Click Old Computer.
4. Click Next.
5. Click Other.
6. Either Browse to a folder on your media vault, or use the
the path. For example, to save your settings to FileShare, type in the Folder or drive: box:
(HPMediaVault is the name of your media vault. To change the media vault’s name, see
7. Click Next.