HP Media Vault User Manual
Page 34

View Backup Reports
Opens the Backup Report dialog box where you can View or Remove reports by highlighting
the report and selecting the appropriate button.
View Restore Reports
Opens the Restore Report dialog box where you can View or Remove reports by highlighting
the report and selecting the appropriate button.
Help Menu
Provides the built-in NTI help and support.
NTI Schedule Viewer
The NTI Schedule Viewer is a backup monitoring program that you can use to delete, suspend, or resume
already scheduled NTI DriveBackup! jobs.
To access the NTI Schedule Viewer:
Click Start, All Programs, NTI DriveBackup! 4, NTI Schedule Viewer.
All scheduled backup jobs can be viewed from the NTI Schedule Viewer window.
To delete a scheduled backup job:
1. In the NTI Schedule Viewer window, right-click the job you wish to delete, then click the Delete job.
2. In the confirmation dialog box, click Yes.
To suspend or resume a job:
1. In the NTI Schedule Viewer window, right-click the backup job you wish to suspend or resume. A
context window appears.
Within the context window, a checkmark next to Suspend job indicates that the job is suspended. If no
checkmark is visible, the job will be processed normally.
2. Click Suspend job to suspend or resume a job.