System status button, Table 9: meaning of system status button colors – Hughes SATELLITE HN9000 User Manual

Page 86

background image

Description of destination page



Displays statistics about received data and receive
connection status. For more information see


Information page

on page 77.

Reception Information page

Reception Info

Displays statistics about the transmitted data and transmit
connection status. For more information see


Information page

on page 80.

Transmission Information

Transmission Info

Displays detailed information about the operational status
of the satellite modem. For more information see


Status page

on page 81.

Terminal Status page

Terminal Status

Displays system information such as ST Name (assigned
name of the satellite modem name) and operational

System Information page

System Info

software version. For more information see


Information page

on page 84.

System Status button

The System Status button (only) is a status indicator as well as a link. It changes color to indicate
the satellite modem’s current status, as explained in

Table 9: Meaning of System Status button


on page 70. To see more detailed status information, click the System Status button to

open the System Status page.

Table 9: Meaning of System Status button colors


Button color

OK – The satellite modem is operating normally.


Degraded – Degraded means performance is degraded for any of the following


• The Web Acceleration not functioning or in progress. Web Acceleration may

be temporarily inactive while you are browsing on a secure HTTP site (https).

• The modem is in fallback mode.
• A number of transmissions beyond a certain threshold have not been

received by the satellite (state code 30). This could be caused by weather

FAP threshold exceeded – The satellite modem has exceeded the FAP threshold
specified in the HughesNet service plan. Subscribers who exceed the threshold
experience reduced download speeds for approximately 24 hr.


Problem detected – There is a problem with satellite transmit or receive
connectivity or both.


If the System Status button is red

or yellow

, you can look for a red flag next to any value

or values on the System Control Center information pages (those with tables listing parameters

HN9000 Satellite Modem Installation Guide


1037576-0001 Revision E

System Control Center

Chapter 9