Service activation prerequisites – Hughes SATELLITE HN9000 User Manual

Page 68

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Service activation prerequisites

Before proceeding, make sure the modem and the customer’s computer are ready for service
activation. Prerequisites for service activation are:

• The modem must be commissioned.
• The modem must be connected to the customer’s computer (next step.)
• The customer must have the SAN (a string that may include both numbers and letters) and

PIN (a four-digit number) available to enter when the activation process prompts for them.
Both numbers are provided in the Order Confirmation email and on the Installation Reference

• The customer’s computer must be configured for DHCP. If you need help in configuring

DHCP, see

Configuring a computer to use DHCP

on page 109.

Connecting the satellite modem to the customer’s computer

In this procedure you make sure the modem is ready for activation and then connect the modem
to the customer’s computer.


From the Terminal Initialization Sequence screen (

Figure 30: Terminal Initialization Sequence

screen (top part)

on page 52) or other Advanced Pages screen, click the Home link in the

upper right corner to open the screen that contains the Activate link.

Figure 30: Terminal Initialization Sequence screen (top part)

The System Control Center home page appears, showing the Activate link below the HN9000
System Control Center screen title. See

Figure 31: Activate link indicating modem is ready

for service activation

on page 53. Do not click the link at this time.

The Activate link indicates that the modem is ready for service activation. This link appears
only on a new modem when the modem is ready to be activated (after commissioning is

HN9000 Satellite Modem Installation Guide


1037576-0001 Revision E

Activating the HughesNet service

Chapter 7