1 the maximum bandwidth provided by isp – PLANET SG-4800 User Manual
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Gigabit SSL VPN Security Router User’s Manual
8.1.1 The Maximum Bandwidth provided by ISP
In the boxes for WAN1 and WAN2 bandwidth, input the upstream and downstream bandwidth which users
applied for from bandwidth supplier. The bandwidth QoS will make calculations according to the data users
input. In other words, it will guarantee a minimum rate of upstream and downstream for each IP and Service
Port based on the total actual bandwidth of WAN1 and WAN2. For example, if the upstream bandwidths of
both WAN1 and WAN2 are 512Kbit/Sec, the total upstream bandwidth will be: WAN1 + WAN2 = 1024Kbit/Sec.
Therefore, if there are 50 IP addresses in the Intranet, the minimum guaranteed upstream bandwidth for each
IP would be 1024Kbit/50=20Kbit/Sec. Thus, 20Kbit/Sec can be input for “Mini. Rate” Downstream bandwidth
can be calculated in the same way.
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