PLANET SG-4800 User Manual

Page 171

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Gigabit SSL VPN Security Router User’s Manual

device can keep DHCP functioning and there will be no LAN disconnection.

LAN IP of the backup


Input LAN IP of Master mode, which is backed up.

MAC Address of the

backup device

Input Master device MAC address, which is backed up.


“Status- Normal” indicates the status is idle. Master device operates normally.

“Status- Backup” indicates the device takes over all the network transmitting. The

status will return to “Normal” when Master device boots normally and send a

message to the backup device. Then, the status will return to Normal, which the

backup device remains idle.

Two devices are operating simultaneously:



Operation-Master Mode Besides operating network with another device, Master device is also the DHCP

server to issue LAN IP addresses. Although Slave device also supports outbound

linking, its DHCP server is disabled.

WAN Backup

(The Checked WANs

are not working in this


The checked WANs will works in the other device. For an example, if WAN1 and

WAN2 work in this device, and WAN3 and WAN4 work in the other device, WAN3

and WAN4 should be checked.

LAN Gateway Backup

Input LAN IP of Slave device. The IP should be different from LAN IP of Master


MAC Address of the

Input LAN MAC of Slave device. It should be different from LAN MAC of Master

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