Epson PhotoPC 3100Z User Manual
Page 189

Index 16
adjusting, 7-1 to 7-5
alert sounds, 7-3
automatic power off, 7-2 to 7-3
broadcast signal, 14-10
camera dial, 1-7
camera volume, 7-4
color/black and white, 2-11
date and time, 1-8, 7-1 to 7-2
display panel, 2-17 to 2-18
exposure, 5-2 to 5-6
flash, 2-9 to 2-11
focus, 4-5
image quality, 2-7 to 2-8
language, 7-4, A-7
LCD brightness, 7-5
macro mode, 4-4
metering, 5-11
monochrome, 2-11
panoramic pictures, 4-6 to 4-8
problems, A-6
programmed subject settings, 2-13
sensitivity, 5-7 to 5-8
shutter speed and aperture, 5-4 to 5-6
time and date, 7-1 to 7-2
user mode, 1-10
Settings (continued)
viewfinder, 2-2
viewing in playback mode, 6-10
white balance, 5-8 to 5-10
Shady conditions, 5-12
Sharpness, 8-3 to 8-4
Shot SETUP menu, 2-8, 2-11, 2-14
adjusting speed, 5-4 to 5-6
click sound, 7-3
locking settings, 2-2, 2-4
predefined exposure adjustments, 5-2 to 5-3
priority, 5-6
problems, A-4
setting delay, 2-12
snapping, 2-2, 2-5
Signal, broadcast, 14-10, A-7
camera, C-1
image, 2-7 to 2-8, 12-4