TA Triumph-Adler DCC 2520 User Manual
Instruction handbook
Table of contents
Document Outline
- General Notice
- Legal and Safety Information
- Introduction
- 1 Fax Operation (Names of Parts / Preparations / Features and Functions of this Fax)
- Names of Parts
- Preparations
- Features and Functions of this Fax
- Switching from the Copy Operation Mode to the Fax Operation Mode
- What is the Initial Mode?
- What is the Administrator Number Used For?
- When You Press the Reset Key...
- Automatically Clearing the Current Settings (Auto Clear function)
- Using a 3-digit Document Number to Manage Fax Communications (Document Number)
- Automatically Engaging the Energy Saving Mode (Auto sleep function)
- Sending a Fax Directly from a Network Computer (Network FAX functions)
- Handling 2 Jobs Simultaneously (Dual Access function)
- Sending Multiple Sets of Documents in One Batch (Batch Transmission function)
- Rotating the Document Image for Transmission (Rotate & Transmit function)
- Verifying IDs With the Other Party Using F-Codes (F-Code Based Communication)
- Receiving Documents Even When Paper Has Run Out (Memory Reception function)
- Rotating Received Data to Fit the Available Paper (Rotate Received Data function)
- Backing Up Memory Even During a Power Failure (Imaging Memory Backup function)
- Printing Out Received Documents Even During Copying (Fax Priority Printout function)
- Make Copies Even During Printing of an Incoming Fax (Copy Priority Printout function)
- Using a 4-Digit Number to Select the Destination (Abbreviated Numbers)
- 2 Fax Operation (Basic Use)
- Sending Documents
- Receiving Documents Automatically (Automatic Fax Reception)
- Canceling a Communication
- Entering Characters
- Dialing the Destination Using Only One Key (One-Touch Keys)
- Dialing the Destination Using Only a 4-Digit Number (Abbreviated Dialing)
- Dialing the Destination Using the Address Book (Address Book)
- Dialing the Same Number Again (Redialing functions)
- 3 Fax Operation (Various Functions)
- Sending 2-Sided Documents (Duplex Transmission)
- Preparing the Next Documents During Another Communication (Standby Transmission)
- Sending the Same Documents to Multiple Destinations (Broadcast Transmission)
- Sending Important Documents Before Others (Interrupt Transmission)
- Sending Documents at a Specified Time (Communication Using the Timer)
- Dialing the Destination With A Registered Number and the Numeric Keys (Chain Dial Keys)
- Managing Information for a Scheduled Communication (Editing a Communication in Memory)
- Initiating the Fax Connection Manually (Manual Fax Transmission)
- Initiating the Fax Connection Manually (Manual Fax Reception)
- 4 Troubleshooting
- 5 Other Features of this Fax
- Automatically Switching Between the Fax and a Telephone (Auto FAX/TEL Switching)
- Automatically Switching Between the Fax and an Answering Machine (TAD Reception)
- Using Different Fax and Telephone Numbers (D.R.D. Reception) [Available in inch versions only]
- Initiating Fax Reception From A Connected Telephone (Remote Switching)
- Allowing the Receiving Party to Initiate Reception (Polling Communication)
- Communicating Using F-Codes (F-Code Based Communication)
- Communicating Confidentially (F-Code Based Confidential Communication)
- Registering New F-Code Confidential Boxes
- Modifying or Deleting F-Code Confidential Boxes
- Sending Documents Using F-Code Based Confidential Transmission
- Printing Out Documents from an F-Code Confidential Box
- Printing Out an F-Code Confidential Box List
- Entering Documents into an F-Code Confidential Box
- Receiving Documents from an F-Code Based Bulletin Board
- Using a Relay Station to Send Your Documents (F-Code Based Relay Broadcast Communication)
- Having Received Faxes Forwarded to Another Fax Number (Fax Forwarding)
- Dialing Multiple Destinations as a Group (Group Dial Keys)
- Saving Specific Communication Settings as a Single Program (Program Keys)
- Restricting Communication To/From Specific Destinations (TX/RX Restriction)
- Communicating with Encrypted Documents (Encrypted Communication)
- Registering New Encryption Keys
- Modifying or Deleting Encryption Keys
- Registering New Encryption Boxes
- Modifying or Deleting Encryption Boxes
- Performing the Operation at the Transmitting Fax
- Performing the Operation at the Receiving Fax
- Printing Out Documents from an Encryption Box
- Printing Out an Encryption Key List
- Printing Out an Encryption Box List
- Managing Fax Use by Each Department (Restricted Access)
- 6 Managing Information About Your Fax Communications
- 7 Various Settings and Registration
- Turning Print Out of Each Report ON/OFF (Print Report setting)
- Turning the Bulletin Board ON/OFF (Bulletin Board setting)
- Setting the Number of Rings [Auto Fax Reception] (Number of Rings setting)
- Making Volume Settings (Volume setting)
- Setting the Number of Redial Attempts (Number of Redials setting)
- Setting the Document Size for Scanning from the Document Processor (Scan from DP setting)
- Setting the Default Transmission Mode (TX Mode/Default setting)
- Selecting the Automatic Reception Mode (Receive Mode setting)
- Turning Reception Date & Time Print Out ON/OFF (RX Date/Time setting)
- Selecting the Paper Feed Selection Mode (Fax Paper Feeding Tray setting)
- Turning Manual Paper Feed ON/OFF (MP Tray setting)
- Turning Duplex Reception ON/OFF (Duplex RX setting)
- Turning 2 in 1 Reception ON/OFF (2 in 1 RX setting)
- Turning Remote Diagnosis ON/OFF (Remote Diagnosis setting)
- Registering the Remote Test ID (Remote Test ID setting)
- Receiving faxes at the same size or a reduced size (Reception Size setting)
- 8 Optional Equipment
- 9 Network FAX Settings
- 10 Reference Information
- Index