La:threshold, La:position:reset – RIGOL DS1000D User Manual
Page 86
Programming Guide for DS1000E, DS1000D Series
Function Explanation:
The commands set and query the waveform display position of specified channel.
When choose Big-waveform, up to 8 waveforms could be displayed on the
screen, and the range of
when choose Small-waveform, up to 16 waveforms could be displayed on the
screen, and the range of
Returned Format:
The query returns the setting value of
Setup the waveform of digital channel2 displays at the
position of D3.
The query returns 3.
4. :LA:THReshold
Command Format:
Function Explanation:
The commands set and query the type of threshold of digital channel.
could be TTL, CMOS, ECL or User (User-defined, the range is -8.00~+8.00).
suffix could be V or mV, the minimum interval is 10mV.
Setup the type of threshold as COMS.
The query returns COMS.
5. :LA:POSition:RESet
Command Format: