Chapter 2 command systems, Chapter 2 command systems -1 – RIGOL DS1000D User Manual
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Programming Guide for DS1000E, DS1000D Series
Chapter 2 Command Systems
This chapter gives detailed information on each command supported by DS1000E,
DS1000D series, including command format, function description, using
considerations as well as some application examples.
The subcommands systems contain:
General Commands
SYSTem Commands
ACQuire Commands
DISPlay Commands
TIMebase Commands
TRIGger Commands
Trigger Control
EDGE Trigger
PULSe Trigger
VIDEO Trigger
SLOPe Trigger
PATTern Trigger
DURation Trigger
ALTernation Trigger
STORage Command
MATH Commands
CHANnel Commands
MEASure Commands
WAVeform Command
LA Commands
KEY Commands
Other Commands
This manual is related to the following products: