RIGOL DS1000D User Manual
Page 118
Programming Guide for DS1000E, DS1000D Series
Read_USB = rSize
End Function
6. Dblclick CH1 and add the following codes:
Dim i As Long
Dim sendbuf As String
Dim DataLen As Long
Dim stepW As Integer
Dim stepH As Integer
sendbuf = ":WAV:DATA? CHAN1"
'initialize the USB device
i = GetTMCDeviceNum
'send a query command and read the results
Call SendToUSB(sendbuf)
DataLen = Read_USB()
stepW = Picture1.Width
stepH = Picture1.Height / 256
'clear the waveform
For i = 0 To DataLen - 1
'link the waveform points and set the waveform color to yellow
Picture1.Line ((i * stepW / DataLen), (rcv_buffer(i)) * stepH)-(((i + 1) * stepW /
DataLen), (rcv_buffer((i + 1))) * stepH), &HFFFF&
Next i
Note: Codes of CH2 are similar to CH1, users can modify homologous
parameters to get its codes and add them to CH2.