RIGOL DS1000D User Manual

Page 108

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Programming Guide for DS1000E, DS1000D Series


5. Add the codes.

Enter the programming environment. First of all, declare “void
SendToUSB(CString cmd)” and “unsigned char* Read_USB( void )” in header file,
then add the following codes:

//send setting command

void SendToUSB(CString cmd)

int temp,j;

CString cmdstr;

cmdstr = cmd;

unsigned char * strInput;

//recall the GetTMCDeviceNum and WriteUSB function from


HMODULE module = LoadLibrary("RigolTMCUsb_UI.dll");

typedef bool (CALLBACK* pWrite)(unsigned long, unsigned char,unsigned
char,unsigned long,unsigned char*);
typedef int (CALLBACK* pGetDeviceNum)();

temp = cmdstr.GetLength();

strInput = (unsigned char*)cmdstr.GetBuffer(10);



pGetDeviceNum GetDevice =


pWrite Write = (pWrite)GetProcAddress(module,"WriteUSB");

j = GetDevice();

if( j > 0 )


//send a command to the oscilloscope

//the definition of interface has been mentioned in “Rigolusb.h”

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