Trigger:alternation:time – RIGOL DS1000D User Manual

Page 54

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RIGOL Command Systems

Programming Guide for DS1000E, DS1000D Series


Command Format:

Function Explanation:
The commands set and query the current pulse condition and slope condition or
the synchronization condition of the video trigger. could
be :PULSe, :SLOPe or :VIDEO.
In PULSe or SLOPe mode, the could be +GREaterthan, +LESSthan, +
EQUal, -GREaterthan, -LESSthan or -EQUal;
In VIDEO mode, the could be ODDfield, EVENfield, LINE or ALLlines.

Returned Format:
The query returns the setting value of .

:TRIG:ALT:PULS:MODE +GRE Setup the pulse condition.

The query returns +GREATER THAN.

8. :TRIGger:ALTernation:TIME

Command Format:

Function Explanation:
The commands set and query the current pulse width or slope time.
could be :SLOPe or :PULSe, the range of is 20ns~10s.

Returned Format:
The query returns the setting value of in s.

:TRIG:ALT:SLOP:TIME 0.002 Setup the slope time as 2ms.

The query returns 2.000e-03

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